Welcome to the Past

One can easily be dismissive of the past as archaic, dilapidated and obsolete. The future often seems exciting and attractive, feeding our curiosity and challenging our spirits. The adrenaline rush makes us addicted to pursuing the next “big thing”, but little do we realize the origin of the road to the future.

The Biggest Loser

There comes a moment when you go from pinnacle of worldly success to the dungeons of emotional dejection. Words have no meaning and actions leave no impact. The floor is swept under your feet and your entire life flashes before the eyes. It requires extraordinary courage to bear the pain and weather the storm in this battle with the inner self.

The Taste of Success

Parents always want their kids to excel and win in every walk of life. They wish their children be the best in every activity and win accolades. Every award makes us climb one step higher on the ladder of success, inching towards the pinnacle of fame and accomplishment. But is winning the definition of success?

Flying with the wind

Chanting religious mantras can be boring and hypnotizing. The monotonous repetition of mantras in a dull tune can create a depressing spell over the audience. But it does not have to be this way, and a small boy showed how chanting mantras can build a new connection to God.

Theory of Two Songs

Our brain is usually indulging in at least two logical thoughts at any time - a foreground thought and a background thought. An awareness of these thoughts can help achieve a delicate balance in our life.